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Investment Shares

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Kindred issued Class B Investment Shares to members in 2022, 2019, and 2005.

As shareholders request to sell their shares, they become available for purchase by other members. If you’re a Kindred member interested in purchasing Investment Shares, let our Wealth and Investment Team know and we’ll get in touch!

Why Investment Shares?

Investment Shares are a good fit if you’re an investor looking for reliable returns or if you’re looking to diversify your portfolio with a low-risk investment for greater stability.

Investment Shares help Kindred build capital, which contributes to our long-term sustainability and prepares us for future growth. When you invest in Kindred’s growth, you’re not only earning a premium rate of return, you’re helping make an impact in the communities we live and work in.

See our FAQ for more details.  |  See our historical Dividend Rates.

Dividends and GIC Rates Compared

Our current declared Investment Shares dividend rate for 2024 is 5.00% for all three series as of January 28, 2025.

Historical Dividend Rates

GIC Rates



2022 Series

2019 Series

2005 Series

Kindred 5 Year GIC Rate1































1The 5-Year GIC Rate refers to the lowest tiered rate effective as of the first business day of the calendar year corresponding to the year of the comparable Investment Shares dividend rate. Please visit the GIC Rates page for current rates.


Are Investment Shares safe?

Yes. They are low-risk investments.

Are Investment Shares guaranteed?

Investment Shares are considered capital investments in the credit union and are not guaranteed through the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) or any similar public agency.

Kindred is a solid financial cooperative with a decades-long track record of sustainable growth and prudent fiscal management. Kindred has declared a dividend on the current series of Investment Shares every year since 2005, even in the midst of the financial crisis in 2007 – 2008. Similar to corporate bonds, investment shares are backed by the credit worthiness of the issuer – in this case, Kindred. And based on our track record, you can have full confidence in Kindred’s stability and solvency.

Are there any eligibility requirements or restrictions?

You must be a Kindred Member to purchase Investment Shares. If you aren’t a Kindred member, you can purchase Investment Shares by becoming one. Learn more about Kindred Membership. The minimum age to subscribe to Investment Shares is 18.

Investment Shares are available in non-registered, RRSP, and TFSAs. Investment Shares are not available in an FHSA, RDSP, RESP, or RRIF. RRSPs must be converted to income accounts (i.e., RRIFs) by the end of the year in which the members turn 71 and Investment Shares would not allow for this. Members age 71 and older can subscribe to Investment Shares that are non-registered or within a TFSA.

How is the Dividend Rate calculated?

Kindred’s Board of Directors has defined appropriate rates for the 2022, 2019, and 2005 Series for fiscal years ending on or before December 31, 2027, 2023, and 2023, respectively and thereafter a rate which exceeds by 100 Basis Points (1%) the simple average of the monthly 5-year Government of Canada benchmark bond yields for each month of the Credit Union’s fiscal year.

What types of investments are Shares available in?

Investment Shares are available as non-registered, RRSP, and Tax-Free Savings Accounts. Investment Shares are not available as FHSAs, RDSPs, RESPs, or RRIFs.

Is there a minimum or maximum investment amount?

Yes. The minimum and maximum varies by series. For example the 2022 series has a minimum investment of 5,000 shares or $5,000 and the maximum is 800,000 shares or $800,000. These limits are relatively standard in the industry for an investment product of this nature. Investment Shares require more administration than a standard GIC, so a higher minimum investment is necessary.

What type of investor is best suited for Investment Shares?
  • Those who are comfortable with at least a 5-year commitment.
  • Those looking for an option for the low risk portion of their portfolio that is not subject to market volatility and the principle is guaranteed.
  • Those who will not need to access income from their RRSPs or borrow from their investments to help finance their first home, for instance.
  • Those who are looking to make an impact by supporting Kindred while also earning a premium rate of return.
What’s the difference between a GIC and Investment Shares?

Investment Shares are considered capital investments in the credit union and are not guaranteed through the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) or any similar public agency.

How are dividends on Investment Shares paid to members?

Due to the nature of the Investment Shares, the ‘dividend’ is treated as interest income for tax purposes, similar to a GIC. Members can choose to have their annual interest compounded or paid out in cash on an annual basis. For RRSPs and TFSAs, the amount must be paid as additional shares.

Terms and Conditions apply. Annual dividends for Class B Investment Shares are not guaranteed and are declared at the discretion of Kindred’s Board of Directors. Class B Investment Shares are not insured by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario or any similar public agency. Past payment of dividends is not an indicator of the likelihood of future payment of dividends, or the rate at which any future dividends will be declared.

Meet with Us! 

Book a meeting with our Wealth and Investment Team to discuss Investment Shares today.

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