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Inspiring peaceful, just, and prosperous communities.

Kindred has a unique purpose, cooperative banking that connects values and faith with finances, inspiring peaceful, just, and prosperous communities. It's a beautiful promise and aspiration, meant to be lived out and experienced. We’re grateful to our faithful members and for community partners who help bring our purpose to life in the communities we’re so fortunate to serve.

Our Social Impact Focus Themes


Kindred builds strong partnerships to advance the availability of affordable housing in our communities. From homelessness and rent affordability for those on fixed incomes, to the need to provide adequate homes for newcomers, Kindred recognizes affordable housing as an urgent need where we can have an impact. 


From farms to food banks, community gardens to grocery distributors, the food systems in our communities are key to our health and well-being. We engage with many different partners to improve access to healthy food and contribute to the development of a sustainable food system.

Mental Health

Mental health is a state of well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute meaningfully to their community1. An individual’s mental health is affected by numerous factors from daily life and is impacted across a person’s lifespan. At Kindred, we recognize the deep connection between mental health and peace – for ourselves, families, and communities.

1 WHO. Mental Health (2024).

How Community Engagement Works

Kindred builds relationships with community organizations through sponsorships, volunteering, and gifts-in-kind. We believe that our communities benefit from this support and that our actions inspire our staff and members to live out their values in visible ways. Our partnerships and people, our giving and programs, combine to create a unique approach that helps inspire peaceful, just, and prosperous communities.


Charitable Giving and Volunteering


Kindred Charitable Fund

The Kindred Charitable Fund has approved $160,206 in grants for 2025, and more than $1.6 million since 2001. A total of 202 groups have benefited from these grants, which have impacted people and communities across Ontario. Applications for the Kindred Charitable Fund are accepted every year between October 1 and October 31.

Find out more about the Kindred Charitable Fund and which congregations or charities are eligible to apply for a grant.

You’re invited to make tax-deductible donations to the Kindred Charitable Fund. Donations can be made by cheque, cash, or account transfer and are a great way to support local charities. Please make cheques payable to Abundance Canada and designate to the Kindred Charitable Fund. Tax receipts will be issued by Abundance Canada for the full amount of the donation. To make a donation, please contact us.

Employee Volunteer Program

Giving back to our communities is ingrained in what we do. So much so that Kindred gives each staff person one full volunteer day each year to donate their time to the charity of their choice.

Staff members have volunteered at numerous organizations including: KW Counselling Services, Terroir Symposium, Habitat for Humanity, Ontario Mennonite Relief Sale, Ray of Hope, and KW Pregnancy Centre.

Sponsorships and Grants

Kindred supports a range of local events and programs related to our themes each year. Sponsorships and grants for these initiatives typically range from $250 to $2,000. We invite connections to our branch and head office teams to learn more and explore partnership opportunities.

Microfinance in Developing Economies

Kindred Credit Union has maintained a long standing partnership with Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA), which currently includes a $600,000 invested loan in MEDA Risk Capital Fund. The objective of the fund is to support MEDA’s mission by investing in promising companies and private equity funds, which benefit poor communities while having a high likelihood of financial success. The fund has several investments in microfinance institutions and strategically supports the economic, environmental and governance development of communities in emerging and developing countries.


Community Programs


Each One, Teach One

Each One, Teach One (EOTO) is an innovative financial literacy program that trains employees of financial institutions to deliver basic financial skills workshops in community settings. Delivered in plain language in schools, church basements, neighbourhood houses, and community centres, the approach of Each One, Teach One is to meet individuals where they are, when they seek training. Topics include basic banking, budgeting, and understanding the credit bureau.

Peace Innovators Scholarship & Mentoring Program

The Peace Innovators Scholarship & Mentoring Program equips young leaders with skills to tackle a problem they're passionate about in the community. They're given the chance to network with other leaders in high schools across Ontario, and by the end of one year, launch an event or campaign to address their cause. This program is provided through a partnership between Kindred, Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement, and The Ripple Effect Education (TREE). A new cohort starts each year; and applications are accepted in the spring. Learn more about the Peace Innovators Scholarship & Mentoring Program.


Kindred Members are part of a Movement

We’re committed to being transparent to our members and community. Our annual reports offer detailed financial results, outline our community engagement and philanthropy, as well provide information on how Kindred puts a ‘real economy’ lens on our financial activity.

Kindred members are part of local, regional, and global movements that make business a force for good, advance positive change in the banking sector, and make investments in our collective prosperity.

Certified B Corporation

Kindred is a Certified B Corporation

B Corps are a new type of company that uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. We’re committed to rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability and transparency.

Global Alliance for Banking on Values

Part of the Global Alliance for Banking on Values

Kindred is pleased to be part of this global movement that’s committed to advancing positive change in the banking sector, using finance to deliver sustainable economic, social, and environmental development.

Ontario Living Wage Network

And, we’re a Living Wage Champion

Paying a living wage aligns with our values and it’s a critical investment in our collective prosperity. We believe our members would expect nothing less of us in caring for our staff members and advocating for change.

Get Involved!

 If you would like to volunteer with one of our community partners, or you are a community organization interested in our grants or sponsorships, please contact us. 

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