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Expert Financial Advice

You have big dreams, we’ll help you get there.

Every life stage comes with new ideas, new dreams for the future, and new questions. Kindred’s Wealth and Investment Team is here to answer all your questions and offer personalized advice that helps you work towards your dreams. We’re committed to sharing our expertise, simplifying your options, and offering you choices that align with your values. Honest conversations will help us understand your financial position and your priorities, so we can develop a plan using your money in a way that fits your values.

Financial Planning

Financial Planning

A financial plan will give you peace of mind, confidence in your future, and it will help you meet your goals! We listen to your needs and partner with you to connect your values with your finances, helping you select investments that fit.

Wealth Management

Wealth Management

Wealth Management services are for individual members, their families, and business members with multiple properties and large amounts of invested assets, which may create more complex tax and financial planning needs.

Planning for Retirement

Planning for Retirement

Retirement should be a time to explore and enjoy after a lifetime of building your nest egg. Proper planning is essential to ensure you’ve covered your long-term financial needs, so you can retire with peace of mind. We will continue to work with you after retirement to ensure your continuing income needs are met.

Saving for School

Saving for School

Your kids are ready for post-secondary school, are you? You want to launch them into a successful future—be sure you have the financial means to help them get there.

Estate Planning

Estate Planning

A detailed estate plan is a gift to your loved ones. It ensures you leave your assets to people and charities you care about, while minimizing legal fees and taxes.



We partner to offer a full range of personal and business protection solutions, featuring products from Canada’s most trusted providers.

Registered Savings Accounts

Registered Savings Plans

These are accounts that are registered with the Canadian government. The associated immediate or long-term benefits can include tax savings, income management, added growth, and even grants. Take a look at the many options we offer to find out which plan might be right for you.

Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds

The mutual funds concept is simple: a group of investors pools money together and a fund manager invests this money in return for a management fee. Every mutual fund unit represents an investment in a variety of securities that could include stocks, bonds, cash, and other securities.



When you buy a non-redeemable GIC, you agree to invest a certain amount of money for a set length of time (term) to benefit from a fixed interest rate. When your term is up, you can either cash in your GIC – and get your initial investment back plus interest – or renew your term and keep growing. We also offer a 1-year cashable GIC that allows for cashing out the investment with interest before the term is up. At Kindred, all of our GICs are validated as Socially Responsible Investments!


Meet with a member

 of our Wealth and Investment Team for investing advice with values at the core. We can help you with your personal financial plan today.